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Bet365 アプリness performance has been uploaded.IR
Bet365 アプリness performance has been uploaded.IR
Bet365 アプリness performance has been uploaded.IR
Bet365 アプリness performance has been uploaded.IR
Bet365 アプリ Holdings Co., Ltd. Selected as a Composite Stock of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index Asia Pacific Global Social Responsibility Investment (SRI) Index for the 10th Consecutive Year(69KB)IR
Financial Results Briefing Video Q2 FY2020 was posted.IR
Bet365 アプリness performance has been uploaded.IR
Announcement of Consolidated Financial Results for the Six Months ended August 31, 2019IR
Brief Summary for the Second Quarter of FY2020IR
Regarding Group Strategy and Structural Reform of Businesses(143KB)IR
Notice on Recurrence Prevention Measures regarding the “7pay” Case, Voluntary Returns of Compensation of Directors and Executive Officer, and Change of Representative Director at the Subsidiary(109KB)IR
Bet365 アプリness performance has been uploaded.IR
Bet365 アプリness performance has been uploaded.IR
Bet365 アプリness performance has been uploaded.Corporate
Bet365 アプリ Holdings Co., Ltd. Selected as a Composite Stock of the FTSE4Good Index Series and the FTSE Blossom Japan Index for ESG Investment(98KB)Corporate
Bet365 アプリ Holdings Co., Ltd. Endorses the Recommendations of TCFD(98KB)IR
Bet365 アプリness performance has been uploaded.IR
Bet365 アプリness performance has been uploaded.IR
Discontinuation of the “7pay” Service(120KB)IR
Bet365 アプリness performance has been uploaded.IR
Bet365 アプリness performance has been uploaded.IR
Financial Results Briefing Video Q1 FY2020 was posted.IR
Announcement of Consolidated Financial Results for the Three Months ended May 31, 2019IR
Brief Summary for the First Quarter of FY2020Corporate
Bet365 アプリ Management Report: Promoting constructive dialogue with stakeholders and sincere governance for Collaborative Value Creation(Integrated report) Notification of First Release(326KB)IR
Bet365 アプリness performance has been uploaded.IR
Bet365 アプリness performance has been uploaded.IR
Bet365 アプリness performance has been uploaded.IR
Bet365 アプリness performance has been uploaded.Sustainability
Bet365 アプリ Group’s Environmental Goals “GREEN CHALLENGE 2050”(278KB)IR
Bet365 アプリness performance has been uploaded.IR
Bet365 アプリness performance has been uploaded.IR
Financial Results Briefing Video FY2019 was posted.IR
Announcement of Consolidated Financial Results for the Fiscal Year ended February 28, 2019IR
Brief Summary for the Fiscal Year ended February 28, 2019IR
Establishment of Policy on Compensation of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members in connection with Introduction of New Stock-Based Compensation System(250KB)IR
Introduction of New Stock-Based Compensation System for Directors and Executive Officers of the Company and its Subsidiaries(201KB)IR
Bet365 アプリness performance has been uploaded.IR
Bet365 アプリness performance has been uploaded.IR
Notice Regarding Recommendations from the Japan Fair Trade Commission(113KB)IR
Bet365 アプリness performance has been uploaded.IR
Bet365 アプリness performance has been uploaded.IR
Bet365 アプリness performance has been uploaded.IR
Financial Results Briefing Video Q3 FY2019 was posted.IR
Announcement of Consolidated Financial Results for the Nine Months ended November 30, 2018IR
Brief Summary for the Third Quarter of FY2019IR
Bet365 アプリness performance has been uploaded.